2024 Renegade Craft Tour! →

Renegade Craft Fair

Renegade Shop Kit

The Renegade Shop is a curated collection of goods made by our favorite artists and designers.

Create buzz around your business, reach new shoppers, and participate in the creative economy by being a part of our online marketplace!

Read through this Shop Kit to see how it all works, and head to the next step to add products for consideration. We curate the Shop by season and jury each item individually.


Vendors will receive a 60% commission on all sales. Renegade will receive 40% of all sales and will be responsible for marketing, promotion, customer service, and sales tax collection and processing for the Shop.


Renegade will list Vendor products for sale in our online Shop, and Vendors will ship items directly to the Customers once purchased on our website. Vendors will receive a purchase order with shipping details from Renegade within one business day of receipt of sale. We ask that Vendors ship their items within 3-5 business days, and email us a clickable tracking number to share with our mutual Customers.


Payments will be made to Vendors within 1-3 business days once items have shipped and Renegade is provided with a tracking number via email to give Customers. Payments will be made via electronic payment, and you will receive an invite from us to set this up as soon as you've been officially selected for the Shop.


Retail pricing for items carried in the Renegade Shop will be determined by the Vendor. As the Renegade Shop is not able to calculate individual shipping costs per item sold, all retail prices must include cost of domestic (US) shipping and handling. We encourage Vendors who don’t offer free shipping already to build the cost of shipping into the retail pricing of their items. Please note, the 40% (Rc) / 60% (Vendor) split is for the full price amount, including the shipping cost.


Vendors are responsible for shipping items to Customers within 3-5 business days of receiving a purchase order from Renegade. We require Vendors to send us a clickable tracking number for each shipment so that we can share with our mutual Customers.

Please note that costs of shipping and handling are to be included in the retail price of each item (see Pricing). Vendors located outside of the U.S.: please include the cost of shipping to the U.S. in your product price.

Renegade will provide promotional items to Vendors to include with all shipped packages. One sticker for the outside of the package, and one card to be placed inside the package. You will receive a starter pack in the mail, so keep an eye out for that.

Vendors will notify Renegade via email if they go on vacation, hiatus, or are otherwise not able to fulfill an order in the 1–3 business days.


Vendor will provide a 7-day return policy during which a Customer may return an item that is undamaged and unworn (at their own expense). Vendor will also provide a return/refund policy for any damaged or defective items as long as any claims are placed within the agreed-upon 7 days of receipt. Renegade will assist in managing customer service communications relating to returns.


Vendor agrees to set product quantities via the application, and to reserve inventory specifically for the Renegade Shop. Vendor will keep Renegade up-to-date with any items which are out of stock, recently restocked, or no longer available.


Your goods may be promoted through paid ads, our social media with 300k+ followers, dedicated newsletter sends to our audience of 56k+ subscribers, and on our website’s Collective that showcases your products and brand story.


Artists will have a dedicated profile on the Renegade website in the Collective that includes a bio about their business, a photo representing their brand/products, geographical location, and a link to Instagram. Our Collective is made up of the community of artists, designers, and creatives Renegade currently work with and promotes within our various social media channels and newsletters.


➕ If you're ready to submit your products for consideration, please fill out the form linked below!

➕ Once we have selected which product(s) we’d like to carry, they’ll be added to our Shop asap. Please note: if a product is not accepted by our team of jurors, it will not appear on the site.

➕ After your profile and product listing(s) are added to our site, you will receive an email to review everything for accuracy and availability.

Thank you for carrying your work in the Renegade Shop!