2024 Renegade Craft Tour! →

Renegade Craft Fair

Spams + Scams

Be on the watch out for people or businesses that are contacting Renegade applicants and vendors and attempting to get them to pay for products or services that are not authorized through us. Many are simply scams or misleading association with us, so even if some are offering legitimate services, we do not endorse any of these companies sending these solicitations, and you are not required to use them.

Examples include: selling our attendee or mailing list. Accepting application and/or booth fees directly (we only ever take registration through the Renegade Craft website). Hotel discounts and deals that are not affiliated with us. And other similar products and services.

If you see any of these types of solicitations via email, Facebook, Instagram, or other sites please report them through the appropriate channels. Thank you for your help!